Archivierte Softwarelisten

vormals bereitgestellte Software

Programme im WiSe 2021/22

Softwareprodukte, welche im Wintersemester 2021/22 über die IM-Softwareverwaltung bereitgestellt werden (ohne Gewähr, Stand 30.09.2021).

.-Microsoft Windows 10 Education [Build 21H1] (x64)
.-7zip (x64)
.-Acrobat DC Pro
.-Activiti 6.0
.-Anaconda3 2021.05
.-Ant 1.10.11
.-Astah Community 7.2
.-Citavi 6.10 (x64)
.-CodeBlocks 20.03
.-CLion 2021.2.2
.-Cryptool 2.1
.-Cuda 11.4.2 (x64)
.-Docker Desktop on Windows 4.0.1 (experimentell)
.-Eclipse 2021.09 R
.-eeglab 2021.1
.-emacs 27.2 (x64)
.-Enterprise Architect 15.1.1526
.-Freemat 4.2 (x64)
.-Freemind 1.0.1
.-Git 2.33 (x64)
.-Gradle 7.2
.-Graphviz 2.4
.-IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio 20.1.0
.-ImageJ 1.53
.-IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2.2
.-Java 16 OpenJDK 16.0.2 (x64) [public]
.-Java 8 OpenJDK [private]
.-KUKA Sim Pro & Library 2.2.3
.-laTeXdraw 4.0.3
.-LogicCircuitSetup 2.21
.-Magma Student 2.22-3
.-Maple 2020.2
.-Matlab 2021a (x64)
.-Microprocessor Simulator 5.0
.-MiKTeX 21.6 (x64)
.-MinGW & MSYS (Lutz/Heckner-Anpassung)
.-Octave 6.3.0 (x64)
.-Office Professional 365
.-OpenSSL 1.1.1L (x64)
.-pari/gp 2.13.2 (x64)
.-PlantSimulation 15.1.2 (x64)
.-PlantSimulation 16.0.6 (x64)
.-Project Professional 2019
.-Putty 0.76 (x64)
.-PyCharm 2021.2.2
.-qt SDK 5.12.10
.-R 4.1.1
.-Robotics Toolbox 10.4
.-RStudio 2021.09
.-SAP Business Client
.-SAP Business Explorer
.-SAP GUI 7.60 Compilation 1
.-SAP Knowledge-Warehouse Addon
.-Scala/sbt 1.5.5
.-TexMaker 5.1.2 (x64)
.-TeXnicCenter 2.0.2 (x64)
.-Tiny Hexer
.-Tomcat 9.0.53
.-TortoiseGit 2.12.0 (x64)
.-TortoiseSVN 1.14.1 (x64)
.-VirtualBox 6.1.2 + Extension Pack
.-Visio Professional 2019
.-Visual Studio 2019 Community ohne Mobile Entwicklung, Python-Entwicklung und node.js Entwicklung
.-Visual Studio Code 1.60.2 (x64)
.-VLC (x64)
.-VMware Player 15.1 (x64)
.-WinDJView 2.1
.-Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL 2)
.-WinFIG 2021.1
.-WinSCP 5.19.2

Programme im WiSe 2018/19

Softwareprodukte, welche im Wintersemester 2018/19 über die IM-Softwareverwaltung bereitgestellt werden (ohne Gewähr, Stand 14.12.2018).

Hersteller/Autor Produkt Version
.-SASM (SimpleASM) - simple Open Source crossplatform IDE for NASM, MASM, GAS, FASM
.-activiti [benötigt Tomcat]6.0
.-ArgoUML [benötigt Java]0.34
.-Bizagi Modeler Vers. 3.2. (Freeware?)3.2 (x64)
.-Code::Blocks [benötigt MingGW]17.12
.-command prompt here2.1.0
.-CrypTool V11.4.41
.-CrypTool V22.1 (Stable Build 7356.1)
.-emacs26.1 (x64)
.-FileZilla3.35.1 (x64)
.-Git2.18.0 (x64)
.-Gradle [benötigt Java]4.9
.-Inkscape0.92.3 (x64)
.-intel haxm7.3
.-Logic Circuit2.18.03.25
.-MATLAB eeglab14.1.2b
.-MSYS [zu MinGW]
.-OpenSCAD2015.03-2 (x64)
.-OpenSSL1.1.0h (x64)
.-PARI/GP2.11 (x64)
.-PlantSimulation14.2.1 (x64)
.-Scala Programming Languagesbt 1.2.0
.-TeXnicCenter2.0.2 (x64)
.-Tortoise Git2.7.0 (x64)
.-TortoiseSVN [inkl. Command Line Client Tools]1.10 (x64)
AdobeAcrobat Professional DC2018
AdobeBrackets nachinstalliereaktuelle
AldebaranChoregraphe [inkl. Apple Bonjour]
Andreas SchmidtWinFIG7.5
Andrew and Leonid ZhezherunWinDjView2.1
Apache Software FoundationANT [benötigt Java]1.10
Apache Software FoundationTomcat [benötigt Java 8]9.0.11
arno_bLaTeXDraw [benötigt Java]3.3.8
Artifex SoftwareGhostscript9.23 (x64)
CanonicalUbuntu (Linux VM) [net]16.04 LTS
Change Visionastah [benötigt Java]7.1 Community
Christian SchenkMiKTeX (TeXworks)2.9.6753 (x64)
Computational Algebra GroupMagma (Studentenversion)2.22-3
Dimitri van Heeschdoxygen1.8.14
Don HoNotepad++7.5.7 (x64)
Eclipse FoundationEclipse C++ [net]
Eclipse FoundationEclipse Java EE (inkl. ANTLR und Subclipse) [net]
Ghostgum SoftwareGsView6.0 (x64)
GoogleAndroid Studio + SDK [Android 7]3.1.3 (x64) mit
GoogleChrome68.0 (x64)
GoogleTensorflow [benötigt Python 3.5 x64]
IBMILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio12.8 (x64)
Igor Pavlov7-Zip18.05 (x64)
JetBrainsIntelliJ IDEA (m. Scala-Plugin)2018.2.2
JetBrainsIntelliJ IDEA (m. Scala-Plugin)2018.2.2
John W. EatonOctave [benötigt Java]4.4.0 (x64)
Jörg MüllerFreemind [benötigt Java]1.0.1
Krzysztof KowalczykSumatraPDF3.1.2 (x64)
KUKA RoboticsOfficeLite [net]8.3.18
KUKA RoboticsSIM Library2.2.3
KUKA RoboticsSIM Pro [benötigt .NET 3.5]2.2.3
MapleSoftMaple2017 (x64)
Martin PikrylWinSCP5.13.3
MathWorksMatlab Aerospace Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Audio System Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Bioinformatics Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Communications System Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Computer Vision System Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Control System Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Curve Fitting Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Data Acqusition Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Database Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Datafeed Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab DSP System Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Embedded Coder2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Financial Instruments Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Financial Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Fixed-Point Designer2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Fuzzy Logic Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Global Optimization Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Image Acquisition Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Image Processing Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Instrument Control Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab License Manager2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Mapping Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab MATLAB2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab MATLAB2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab MATLAB Coder2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab MATLAB Compiler2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab MATLAB Compiler SDK2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab MATLAB Report Generator2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Model Predictive Control Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Model-Based Calibration Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Neural Network Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Optimization Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Parallel Computing Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Partial Differential Equatation Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Polyspace Bug Finder2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Polyspace Code Prover2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab RF Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Robotics System Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Robust Control Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Signal Processing Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab SimMechanics2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab SimPowerSystems2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Simscape2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK 3D Animation2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK Coder2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK Control Design2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK Design Optimization2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK Real-Time2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK Report Generator2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Stateflow2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Statistics Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Symbolic Math Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab System Identification Toolbox2018a Update 4
MathWorksMatlab Wavelet Toolbox2018a Update 4
Mentor GraphicsModelSim SE (Design, Verification, Test)10.6c (x86)
Microsoft.NET Framework4.7
MicrosoftOfficeProfessional Plus 2016
MicrosoftProjectProfessional 2016
MicrosoftSkypeWindows App
MicrosoftVisioProfessional 2016
MicrosoftVisual Studio Enterprise Apache Cordova-Entwicklun2017 15.6.6
MicrosoftVisual Studio Enterprise C++-Entwicklung2017 15.6.6
MicrosoftVisual Studio Enterprise C++-Entwicklung f. Mobile2017 15.6.6
MicrosoftVisual Studio Enterprise Kern-Editor2017 15.6.6
MicrosoftVisual Studio Enterprise Node.js-EntwicklungNode.js 8.11.4 (x64) ++ [benötigt Node.js]
MicrosoftVisual Studio Enterprise Python-Entwicklung2017 15.6.6
MicrosoftVisual Studio Enterprise Xamarin-Entwicklung2017 15.6.6
MicrosoftWindows 10Education Build 1709 (x64)
Microsoft (Sysinternals)Process Explorer
Microsoft (Sysinternals)Process Monitor
mirkesTiny Hexer1.8.1.6
MozillaFirefox52.9 ESR (x64)
National Institutes of HealthImageJ [benötigt Java]1.5.2
NECImage Express Utility2.20.273
NECImage Express Utility Lite1.18
Neil BauersMicroprocessor Simulator for Students (SMS32)5.0
NvidiaCUDA Toolkit [sccm]9.2 (x64) ohne VS-Integration
OracleJava 8 JRE8 update 181
OracleOracle Client12. (12c)
OracleSQL Developer [benötigt Java]18.2.138
OracleVirtualBox inkl. Extension Pack5.2.16
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)Java 9 JDK x6410.0.2 (x64)
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)MySQL Workbench8.0.12
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)NetBeans (full)9.0
OTH RegensburgNetzlaufwerke (Skript)
Pascal BrachetTexmaker5.0.2 (x64)
Peter CorkeRobotics Toolbox [für Matlab]10.2
Python SoftwarePython x643.5.4 (x64)
Python SoftwarePython x863.7.0
Qt Company / NokiaQt SDK inkl. Qt Designer5.11.1 (3.0.5 Installer)
R FoundationR for Windows3.5.1
R StudioR Studio [zu R for Windows]1.1.456
Red HatCygwin [net]
Rick BrewsterPaint.NET4.0.21 (x64)
Samit BasuFreemat4.2 (x64)
SAPBusiness Explorer7.40 Compilation 3
SAPSAP GUI (Front End)7.40 Compilation 3
Simon TathamPuTTY0.7.0 (x64)
Software AG (IDS Scheer)ARIS Architect10.0
Software AG (IDS Scheer)ARIS Express2.4
SophosSophos Anti-Virus [sccm]
Sparx SystemsEnterprise Architect13.5
Swiss Academic SoftwareCitavi6.1
Tecnomatix / SiemensPlant Simulation14.2.1
The Document FoundationLibre Office5.4.7
VideoLANVideoLAN Client (VLC)3.0.3 (x64)
VMwareVMware Player [z.B. f. Linux o. KUKA OfficeLite]14.1.2 (x64)
VMwareVMware Player [z.B. f. Linux o. KUKA OfficeLite]14.1.2
XilinxISE Design Suite (System Edition)14.7
XilinxVivado HL (System Edition)17.4

Programme im SoSe 2018

Microsoft Windows 10 Education 1709 64-Bit. Softwareprodukte, welche über die IM-Softwareverwaltung bereitgestellt werden (ohne Gewähr, Stand 15.05.2018). ).

Hersteller/Autor Produkt Version
.-activiti [benötigt Tomcat]6.0
.-ArgoUML [benötigt Java]0.34
.-Code::Blocks [benötigt MingGW]17.12
.-CrypTool V22.1 (Beta 1 - Build 7168.1)
.-emacs25.3.1 (x64)
.-FileZilla3.30.0 (x64)
.-GIMP2.8.22 (x64)
.-Git2.16.1 (x64)
.-Gradle [benötigt Java]4.5
.-Inkscape0.92.2 (x64)
.-Intel OpenCV3.4.0
.-MATLAB eeglab14.1.1b
.-MSYS [zu MinGW]-
.-node.js8.9.4 LTS (x64)
.-PARI/GP2.9.4 (x64)
.-Postman5.5.2 (x64)
.-Pytorch0.3.1 [benötigt Anaconda]
.-RESTer Add-on für Chrome
.-RESTer Add-on für Firefox
.-sbt (Scala Build Tool)
.-Scala Programming Language2.12.4
.-TeXnicCenter2.0.2 (x64)
.-think-cellv8 (25170)
.-TortoiseSVN [inkl. Command Line Client Tools]1.9.5 (x64)
.-Unity5.6.3p2 (x64)
AdobeAcrobat Professional DC15.023.20070 (Continuous)
AldebaranChoregraphe [inkl. Apple Bonjour]
Andreas SchmidtWinFIG7.4
Andrew and Leonid ZhezherunWinDjView2.1
Apache Software FoundationANT [benötigt Java]1.10.1
arno_bLaTeXDraw [benötigt Java]3.3.8
Artifex SoftwareGhostscript9.22 (x64)
Axure Softwareaxure RP8.1.0.3366
Brockwell u. DavisITSM 20007.1 Pro
CanonicalUbuntu (Linux VM) [net]16.04 LTS
Change Visionastah [benötigt Java]7.2 Community
Christian SchenkMiKTeX (TeXworks)2.9.6520 (x64)
Computational Algebra GroupMagma (Studentenversion)2.22-3
Dimitri van Heeschdoxygen1.8.14
Don HoNotepad++7.5.4 (x64)
Eclipse FoundationEclipse Android Development Tools (ADT) [net]mit Google App Engine Plugin und Google Web Toolkit
Eclipse FoundationEclipse C++ [net]-
Eclipse FoundationEclipse Java EE (inkl. ANTLR und Subclipse) [net]Mars
Eclipse FoundationEclipse mit SAP ABAP-Tools [net]
Ghostgum SoftwareGsView6.0 (x64)
GoogleAndroid Studio + SDK [Android 7]3.0.1
GoogleChrome64.0 (x64)
GoogleTensorflow [benötigt Python 3.5 x64]1.5.0
IAR SystemsEmbedded Workbench for MSP-4306.50.2
IAR SystemsVisual State7.5.1
IBMILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio12.8 (x64)
IdrixVeraCrypt [vormals TrueCrypt]1.21
Igor Pavlov7-Zip16.04 (x64)
JetBrainsCLion2017.3.3 (x64)
JetBrainsIntelliJ IDEA (m. Scala-Plugin)2017.3.4 (x64)
JetBrainsWebStorm2017.3.4 (x64)
John W. EatonOctave [benötigt Java]4.2.1 (x64)
kliu.orgContextConsole Shell Extension (CMDOpen)2.1.0
koushUniversal ADB Driver for Android [für USB]20160204
Krzysztof KowalczykSumatraPDF3.1.2 (x64)
KUKA RoboticsOfficeLite [net]8.3.18
KUKA RoboticsSIM Library2.2.3
KUKA RoboticsSIM Pro [benötigt .NET 3.5]2.2.3
Martin PikrylWinSCP5.11.3
MathWorksMatlab Aerospace Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Audio System Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Bioinformatics Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Communications System Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Computer Vision System Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Control System Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Curve Fitting Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Data Acqusition Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Database Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Datafeed Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab DSP System Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Embedded Coder2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Financial Instruments Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Financial Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Fixed-Point Designer2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Fuzzy Logic Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Global Optimization Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Image Acquisition Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Image Processing Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Instrument Control Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab License Manager2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Mapping Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab MATLAB2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab MATLAB Coder2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab MATLAB Compiler2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Model Predictive Control Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Model-Based Calibration Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Neural Network Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Optimization Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Parallel Computing Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Partial Differential Equatation Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab RF Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Robotics System Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Robust Control Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Signal Processing Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK 3D Animation2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK Coder2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK Control Design2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK Design Optimization2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK Real-Time2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Stateflow2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Statistics Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Symbolic Math Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab System Identification Toolbox2017a (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Wavelet Toolbox2017a (x64)
Mentor Graphics ModelSim SEMentor Modelsim SE 64 10.6c10.6c
Microsoft.NET Framework4.6.1
MicrosoftOfficeProfessional Plus 2016
MicrosoftSharePoint Designer2013 (x86)
MicrosoftVisioProfessional 2016
MicrosoftVisual Studio Code1.19.3 (x64)
MicrosoftVisual Studio EnterpriseVisual Studio 2017
MicrosoftWindows 101703
Microsoft (Sysinternals)Process Explorer16.21
Microsoft (Sysinternals)Process Monitor3.40
mirkesTiny Hexer1.8.1.6
MozillaFirefox58.0.2 (x64)
MozillaThunderbird (inkl. Lightning)52.6
National Institutes of HealthImageJ [benötigt Java]1.50
NvidiaCUDA Toolkit [sccm]
OracleSQL Developer [benötigt Java]17.4.0
OracleVirtualBox inkl. Extension Pack5.2.6
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)Java 8 JDK x64JDK 9.0.4 (x64)
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)Java 8 JDK x86JRE 1.8.0 u162 (für tomcat 8.x und sap med plantafel)
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)MySQL Workbench6.3.10
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)NetBeans (full) [benötigt Java]8.2
OTH RegensburgNetzlaufwerke (Skript)-
Pascal BrachetTexmaker5.0.2
Peter CorkeRobotics Toolbox [für Matlab]10.2
Python Softwarenumpy, sklearn, tensorflow, nltk, keras, Pandas
Python SoftwarePython x643.6.4
Qt Company / NokiaQt Eclipse Integration Plugin [zu Eclipse C++]1.6.1
Qt Company / NokiaQt SDK inkl. Qt Designer5.10 (VS2017)
R FoundationR for Windows3.4.3
R StudioR Studio [zu R for Windows]1.1.423
Red HatCygwin [net]-
Rick BrewsterPaint.NET4.0.21 (x64)
Samit BasuFreemat4.2 (x64)
SAPBusiness Explorer Plantafel7.40 Compilation 3
SAPSAP GUI (Front End)7400.3.11.1129
Simon TathamPuTTY0.70 (x64)
Software AG (IDS Scheer)ARIS Architect10
Software AG (IDS Scheer)ARIS Express2.4
SophosSophos Anti-Virus [sccm]10.6
Sparx SystemsEnterprise Architect13.0
Swiss Academic SoftwareCitavi5.6
Tecnomatix / SiemensPlant Simulation12.0 (x64)
Texas InstrumentseZ430-Chronos1.9.0.2
The Document FoundationLibre Office5.4.5 (x64)
VideoLANVideoLAN Client (VLC)3.0
VMwareVMware Player [z.B. f. Linux o. KUKA OfficeLite]14.1.1 (x64)
Wolfram ResearchMathematica9.0.1
XilinxISE Design Suite (System Edition)14.7
XilinxVivado (System Edition + SDK)2017.4

Programme im WiSe 2017/18

Microsoft Windows 10 Education 1703 64-Bit. Softwareprodukte, welche im Wintersemester 2017/18 über die IM-Softwareverwaltung bereitgestellt werden (ohne Gewähr, Stand 04.12.2017).

Hersteller/Autor Produkt Version
.-Atom Editor1.17.2 (x64)
.-CrypTool V22.1 Build 6814.1
.-EEGLAB (Matlab Toolbox)
.-FreeFileSync9.1 (x64)
.-GnuWin3220170622 (via get-gnuwin 0.6.3)
.-HTTPie HTTP Command Line Tool0.9.9
.-IntelliJ IDEA (m. Scala-Plugin)
.-Logic Circuit2.17.03.20
.-MATLAB eeglab14.1.1b
.-OpenSCAD2015.03-2 (x64)
.-OpenSSL1.1.0e (x64)
.-PARI/GP2.9.2 (x64)
.-QT Creator inkl. SDK4.3.0
.-SAP BW 7.5 on HANA.
.-Scala Programming Language2.12.2
.-TeXnicCenter2.0.2 (x64)
.-TortoiseSVN1.9.5 (x64)
AdobeAcrobat Professional DC15.023.20070 (Continuous)
AdobeFlash Player pepperflash (Chrome)24.x
AldebaranChoregraphe [inkl. Bonjour]
Andreas SchmidtWinFIG7.2
Andrew and Leonid ZhezherunWinDjView2.1
Apache Software FoundationANT [u.a. zu ArgoUWE]1.10.1
Artifex SoftwareGhostscript9.21 (x64)
Axure Softwareaxure RP8.0.0.3338
Brockwell u. DavisITSM 20007.1 Pro
CanonicalUbuntu (Linux VM)12.04
Change Visionastah7.1 Community
Christian SchenkMiKTeX (TeXworks)2.9.6050 (x64)
Computational Algebra GroupMagma (Studentenversion)2.22-3
Dimitri van Heeschdoxygen1.8.13
Don HoNotepad++7.4.1
Eclipse FoundationEclipse C++-
Eclipse FoundationEclipse Java EE (inkl. ANTLR und Subclipse)Mars
Eclipse FoundationEclipse mit SAP ABAP-ToolsNeon
Ghostgum SoftwareGsView6.0 (x64)
GoogleChrome60 (x64)
IAR SystemsEmbedded Workbench for MSP-4306.50.2
IAR SystemsVisual State7.5.1
IBMILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio12.7.1 (x64)
Igor Pavlov7-Zip16.04 (x64)
InfratecIrbisView3.0.0 (Build 21)
James RogersEdSim 51 (CPU Simulator)DI 2.1.20
JetBrainsIntelliJ IDEA (m. Scala-Plugin)2017.1.4(x64)
John W. EatonOctave4.2.1 (x64)
Jörg MüllerFreemind1.0.1
KitwareCmake3.9.0 (x64)
kliu.orgContextConsole Shell Extension (CMDOpen)2.1.0
koushUniversal ADB Driver for Android20160204
Krzysztof KowalczykSumatraPDF3.1.2 (x64)
KUKA RoboticsOfficeLite8.3.18
KUKA RoboticsSIM Library2.2.3
KUKA RoboticsSIM Pro2.2.3
KUKA RoboticsWork Visual [inkl. SQL Server Compact]3.1.2
Martin PikrylWinSCP5.9.5
MathWorksMatlab Bioinformatics Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Communications System Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Computer Vision System Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Control System Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Curve Fitting Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Data Acqusition Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Datafeed Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab DSP System Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Embedded Coder2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Financial Instruments Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Financial Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Fixed-Point Designer2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Fuzzy Logic Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Global Optimization Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Image Acquisition Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Image Processing Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab License Manager2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Mapping Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab MATLAB2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab MATLAB Coder2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab MATLAB Compiler2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Neural Network Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Optimization Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Parallel Computing Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Partial Differential Equatation Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Signal Processing Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK 3D Animation2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK Coder2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK Design Optimization2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK Real-Time2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Stateflow2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Statistics Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Symbolic Math Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab System Identification Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Wavelet Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
Microsoft.NET Framework4.6.1
MicrosoftOfficeProfessional Plus 2016
MicrosoftProjectProfessional 2016
MicrosoftSharePoint Designer2013 (x64)
MicrosoftVisioProfessional 2016
MicrosoftVisual Studio Enterprise2015 Update 3
MicrosoftVisual Studio Office Developer ToolsUpdate 2
MicrosoftVisual Studio SQL Server Data Tools2016
MicrosoftVisual Studio Ultimate2013 Update 5
Microsoft (Sysinternals)Process Explorer16.12
Microsoft (Sysinternals)Process Monitor3.20
mirkesTiny Hexer1.8.1.6
MozillaFirefox52.2.0 ESR
MozillaThunderbird (inkl. Lightning)52.3
mysqlmysql connector JDBC [für Sql Developer]
National Institutes of HealthImageJ [benötigt Java 8]1.50
NECImage Express Utility2.20.273
NECImage Express Utility Lite1.18
Neil BauersMicroprocessor Simulator for Students (SMS32)5.0
NokiaQT Eclipse Integration Plugin [zu Eclipse C++]1.6.1
NvidiaCUDA Toolkit
Opera SoftwareOpera45
OracleOracle Client12. (12c)
OracleSQL Developer [benötigt Java]4.2.0
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)Java 7 JDK x641.7u111 (private JRE)
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)Java 7 JDK x861.7u111 (private JRE)
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)Java 8 JDK x641.8u144 (public JRE)
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)Java 8 JDK x861.8u144 (public JRE)
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)MySQL Workbench6.3.7
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)NetBeans (full)8.2
OTH RegensburgNetzlaufwerke (Skript)-
OTH RegensburgTools-
Pascal BrachetTexmaker4.5
Peter CorkeRobotics Toolbox [für Matlab]9.10
POM ConsultProduktions-Manager-Trainer (PMT)15
Python SoftwarePython3.5.3 x64 und 3.5.3 x86 (m. Symbols, VS2015-Debug)
QTSDK5.6.2 (VS2015)
R FoundationR for Windows3.4.0
R StudioR Studio1.0.136
Red HatCygwin
Red HatWildFly Application Server (JBoss)10
Rick BrewsterPaint.NET4.0.16 (x64)
Samit BasuFreemat4.2 (x64)
SAPBusiness Explorer7.40 Compilation 3
SAPBusiness Objects Analysis for Officev2.4
sapexcel plugin business analyzer
SAPSAP GUI (Front End)7.40 Compilation 3 Patch 11 Hotfix 1
Simon TathamPuTTY0.6.9 (x64)
Software AG (IDS Scheer)Aris Architect
Software AG (IDS Scheer)ARIS Express [benötigt Java; hat eigene JRE]2.4
SophosSophos Anti-Virus [sccm]10.6
Sparx SystemsEnterprise Architect13.0
Swiss Academic SoftwareCitavi5.5
Tecnomatix / SiemensPlant Simulation12.0 (x64)
Texas InstrumentsCode Composer Studio7.2.0
The Document FoundationLibre Office5.3.3
VideoLANVideoLAN Client (VLC)2.2.6
VMwareVMware Player [z.B. f. Linux o. KUKA OfficeLite]12.5.6
Wolfram ResearchMathematica9.0.1
Wolfram ResearchMathematica11.2 (nur in U215)

Programme im SoSe 2017

Betriebssystem: Microsoft Windows 10 Education 1607 64-Bit. Softwareprodukte, welche im Sommersemester 2017 über die IM-Softwareverwaltung bereitgestellt werden (ohne Gewähr, Stand 14.03.2017).

Hersteller/Autor Produkt Version
.-3D Slicer4.6.2 (x64)
.-activiti [benötigt Tomcat]5.21.0
.-Atom Editor1.14.4 (x64)
.-Code::Blocks [benötigt MingGW]16.01
.-CrypTool V22.1 Build 6814.1
.-emacs25.1-2 (x64)
.-FreeFileSync8.9 (x64)
.-Git2.12.0 (x64)
.-ImDisk Toolkit20160829
.-Inkscape0.92.1 (x64
.-Logic Circuit2.16.09.20
.-MATLAB eeglab14.0.0b
.-MinGW2016-11 (Heckner/Lutz)
.-MSYS [zu MinGW]2016-11 (Heckner/Lutz)
.-node.js6.10.0 (x64)
.-OpenSCAD2015.03-2 (x64)
.-OpenSSL1.1.0b (x64)
.-PARI/GP2.9.1 (x64)
.-RESTClient for Firefox2.0.5
.-Simple WebSocket Client for Chrome0.1.3
.-TeXnicCenter2.0.2 (x64)
.-TortoiseSVN1.9.5 (x64)
AdobeAcrobat Professional DC15.023.20070 (Continuous)
AdobeFlash Player24.0.0.221 NPAPI
Andreas SchmidtWinFIG6.0 beta
Andrew and Leonid ZhezherunWinDjView2.1
Apache Software FoundationANT [u.a. zu ArgoUWE]1.9.7
Artifex SoftwareGhostscript9.20 (x64)
Axure Softwareaxure RP8.0.0.3332
Biopac SystemsBIOPAC Student Lab Analysis4.0.3
Brockwell u. DavisITSM 20007.1 Pro
CanonicalUbuntu [Linux VM]12.04
Change Visionastah7.1 Community
Christian SchenkMiKTeX (TeXworks)2.9.6050 (x64) Plugins 20170303
Computational Algebra GroupMagma (Studentenversion)2.22-3
Dimitri van Heeschdoxygen1.8.13
Don HoNotepad++7.3.2
Eclipse FoundationEclipse Android Development Tools (ADT)-
Eclipse FoundationEclipse C++-
Eclipse FoundationEclipse Java EE (inkl. ANTLR und Subclipse)Mars
Eclipse FoundationEclipse mit SAP ABAP-ToolsMars 2
FileOpen SystemsFileOpen ClientB978 (x64)
Ghostgum SoftwareGsView (m. PStoText)5.0 (x64)
Ghostgum SoftwarePStoText1.9
IAR SystemsEmbedded Workbench for MSP-4306.50.1
IAR SystemsVisual State7.5.1
IBMILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio12.7 (x64)
IdrixVeraCrypt (TrueCrypt-Nachfolger)1.19
Igor Pavlov7-Zip16.04 (x64)
InfratecIrbisView3.0.0 (Build 21)
Jakub RoztocilHTTPie for Python0.9.9
James RogersEdSim 51 (CPU Simulator)DI 2.1.20
JetBrainsIntelliJ IDEA2016.3.4 (m. Scala-Plugin)
John W. EatonOctave4.2.1 (x64)
Jörg MüllerFreemind1.0.1
KitwareCmake3.7.2 (x64)
kliu.orgContextConsole Shell Extension (CMDOpen)2.1.0
koushUniversal ADB Driver for Android [für USB]20160204
Krzysztof KowalczykSumatraPDF3.1.2 (x64)
KUKA RoboticsOfficeLite8.3.18
KUKA RoboticsSIM Library2.2.3
KUKA RoboticsSIM Pro2.2.3
KUKA RoboticsWork Visual3.1.2
Lars HedererNtregopt1.1j
Martin PikrylWinSCP5.9.4
MathWorksMatlab Bioinformatics Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Communications System Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Computer Vision System Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Control System Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Curve Fitting Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Data Acqusition Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Datafeed Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab DSP System Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Embedded Coder2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Financial Instruments Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Financial Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Fixed-Point Designer2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Fuzzy Logic Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Global Optimization Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Image Acquisition Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Image Processing Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab License Manager2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Mapping Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab MATLAB2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab MATLAB Coder2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab MATLAB Compiler2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Neural Network Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Optimization Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Parallel Computing Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Partial Differential Equatation Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Signal Processing Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK 3D Animation2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK Coder2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK Design Optimization2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK Real-Time2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Stateflow2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Statistics Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Symbolic Math Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab System Identification Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Wavelet Toolbox2016b (9.1) (x64)
Microsoft.NET Framework3.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6.1
MicrosoftKinect Developer Toolkit1.8
MicrosoftKinect for Windows SDK1.8
MicrosoftOfficeProfessional Plus 2016
MicrosoftProjectProfessional 2016
MicrosoftSharePoint Designer2013 (x64)
MicrosoftVisioProfessional 2016
MicrosoftVisual Studio Enterprise2015 Update 3
MicrosoftVisual Studio Ultimate2013 Update 5 (nur U412)
MicrosoftWindows 7Enterprise SP1
Microsoft (Sysinternals)Process Explorer16.2
Microsoft (Sysinternals)Process Monitor3.32
mirkesTiny Hexer1.8.1.6
MozillaFirefox45.7.0 ESR
MozillaThunderbird (inkl. Lightning)45.7.1
National Institutes of HealthImageJ1.50
NECImage Express Utility2.20.273
NECImage Express Utility Lite1.18
Neil BauersMicroprocessor Simulator for Students (SMS32)5.0
NokiaQT Eclipse Integration Plugin [zu Eclipse C++]1.6.1
Opera SoftwareOpera43
OracleOracle Client12. (12c)
OracleSQL Developer4. (x64) inkl. JDK8
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)Java 7 JDK x641.7u131 (private JRE)
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)Java 7 JDK x861.7u131 (private JRE)
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)Java 8 JDK [zu Eclipse] x641.8u121 (public JRE)
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)Java 8 JDK [zu Eclipse] x861.8u121 (public JRE)
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)MySQL Workbench6.3.9 (x64)
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)NetBeans (full)8.1 (Platform 20170307)
OTH RegensburgNetzlaufwerke (Skript)-
Pascal BrachetTexmaker4.5
Peter CorkeRobotics Toolbox [für Matlab]9.10
POM ConsultProduktions-Manager-Trainer (PMT)15
Python SoftwarePython3.6.0 (m. Symbols und VS-Debug)
R FoundationR for Windows3.3.2
R StudioR Studio [zu R for Windows]1.0.136
Red HatCygwin-
Red HatWildFly Application Server (Jboss) [benötigt JDK8]
Rick BrewsterPaint.NET4.0.13
Samit BasuFreemat4.2 (x64)
SAPBusiness Explorer7.40 Compilation 3
SAPEngineering Client Viewer7.40 Compilation 3
SAPSAP GUI (Front End)7.40 Compilation 3
Simon TathamPuTTY0.68 m. PuttyTel (x64)
Software AG (IDS Scheer)ARIS Express2.4
SophosSophos Anti-Virus10.6
Sparx SystemsEnterprise Architect13.0
Swiss Academic SoftwareCitavi5.3.1
Tecnomatix / SiemensPlant Simulation12.0 (x64)
The Document FoundationLibre Office5.2.5.1 (x64)
The ONEMilena Radenkovic1.6.0-70
Uwe SiebertUSB Drive Letter Manager5.24
VideoLANVideoLAN Client (VLC)2.2.4 (x86)
VMwareVMware Player [z.B. f. Linux o. KUKA OfficeLite]12.5.1 (x64)
Wolfram ResearchMathematica9.0.1

Programme im WiSe 2016/17

Betriebssystem: Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 64-Bit. Softwareprodukte, welche im Wintersemester 2016/17 über die IM-Softwareverwaltung bereitgestellt werden (ohne Gewähr, Stand 10.01.2017).

Hersteller/Autor Produkt Version
.-8086 Assembler Emulator SASM3.5.1
.-Atom Editor1.10.2
.-CrypTool V22.1 Build 6814.1
.-FileOpen ClientB971 (x64)
.-ImDisk Toolkit20160829
.-Inkscape0.91 (x64)
.-Logic Circuit2.16.06.03
.-MATLAB eeglab13_6_5b
.-MSYS [zu MinGW]20160830
.-node.js4.5 (x64)
.-OpenSCAD2015.03-2 (x64)
.-PgAdmin 31.22.1
.-Quantum GIS2.16.2-3 (x64)
.-TeXnicCenter2.0.2 (x64)
.-TortoiseSVN1.9.4.27285 (x64)
AdobeFlash Player (Plugin u. ActiveX) NPAPI, PPAPI, ActiveX
Andrew and Leonid ZhezherunWinDjView2.1
Apache Software FoundationTomcat8.0.27
Artifex SoftwareGhostscript9.19 (x64)
astahAstah7.0 Community-Edition
Brockwell u. DavisITSM 20007.1 Pro
CanonicalUbuntu [Linux VM]42472
Christian SchenkMiKTeX (TeXworks)2.9.6050 (x64)
Computational Algebra GroupMagma (Studentenversion)2.22-3
Dimitri van Heeschdoxygen1.8.11
Don HoNotepad++6.9.2
Eclipse FoundationEclipse Android Development Tools (ADT)-
Eclipse FoundationEclipse Java EE (inkl. ANTLR und Subclipse)Mars
Eclipse FoundationEclipse Mars.2 mit ABAP Development Tools
Ghostgum SoftwareGsView5.0
Ghostgum SoftwarePStoText1.9
IAR SystemsEmbedded Workbench for MSP-4306.50.1
IBMILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio12.6.3
James RogersEdSim 51 (CPU Simulator)DI 2.1.18
JetBrainsIntelliJ Idea2016.2.4
JetBrainsIntelliJ Idea Scala Plugin-
John W. EatonOctave4.0.3
kliu.orgContextConsole Shell Extension (CMDOpen)2.1.0
koushUniversal ADB Driver for Android [für USB]20160204
Krzysztof KowalczykSumatraPDF3.1.2 (x64)
KUKA RoboticsOfficeLite8.3.18
KUKA RoboticsSIM Library2.2.3
KUKA RoboticsSIM Pro2.2.3
KUKA RoboticsWork Visual3.1.2
Lars HedererNtregopt1.1j
Martin PikrylWinSCP5.9.1
MathWorksMatlab Bioinformatics Toolbox2016a (9.0) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Communications System Toolbox2016a (9.0) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Datafeed Toolbox2016a (9.0) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab DSP System Toolbox2016a (9.0) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Embedded Coder2016a (9.0) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Image Processing Toolbox2016a (9.0) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Mapping Toolbox2016a (9.0) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab MATLAB Compiler2016a (9.0) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Neural Network Toolbox2016a (9.0) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Optimization Toolbox2016a (9.0) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Partial Differential Equatation Toolbox2016a (9.0) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK2016a (9.0) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK 3D Animation2016a (9.0) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK Coder2016a (9.0) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Symbolic Math Toolbox2016a (9.0) (x64)
MathWorksMatlab Wavelet Toolbox2016a (9.0) (x64)
Microsoft.NET Framework4.6.1
MicrosoftProjectProfessional 2016
MicrosoftVisual StudioEnterprise 2015 Update 3 mit Core 1.0, SQL Server Data Tools 2016, Office Developer Tools Update 2 und Azure SDK 2.9.5
Microsoft (Sysinternals)Process Monitor3.20
MozillaThunderbird (inkl. Lightning)45.3
National Institutes of HealthImageJ1.50
NECImage Express Utility 2 und Lite2.20.273 und Lite 1.18
Neil BauersMicroprocessor Simulator for Students (SMS32)5.0
Open Source Geospatial FoundationGeoserver2.9.1
Opera SoftwareOpera39.0
OracleOracle Client12. (12c)
OracleSQL Developer4.1.3 (inkl. JDK8)
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)Java 7 JDK x641.7u111 (public JRE)
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)MySQL Workbench6.3.7
OTH RegensburgHS.R Netzlaufwerke (Skript)-
Pascal BrachetTexmaker4.5
Peter CorkeRobotics Toolbox [für Matlab]9.10
POM ConsultProduktions-Manager-Trainer (PMT)15
Python SoftwarePython3.5.2 inkl. Symbols und VS2015-Debug
R FoundationR for Windows3.3.1
R StudioR Studio [zu R for Windows]0.99.903
Red HatCygwin-
Rick BrewsterPaint.NET4.0.10
Samit BasuFreemat4.2 (x64)
SAPBusiness Explorer7.40 Compilation 3
SAPSAP GUI (Front End)7.40 Compilation 3
Simon TathamPuTTY0.6.6
Software AG (IDS Scheer)ARIS Express2.4
SophosSophos Anti-Virus10.6
Sparx SystemsEnterprise Architect12.1
Swiss Academic SoftwareCitavi5.3.1
Tecnomatix / SiemensPlant Simulation12.0 (x64)
The Document FoundationLibre Office5.1.5.2
VMwareVMware Player [z.B. f. Linux o. KUKA OfficeLite]12.1.1
Wolfram ResearchMathematica9.0.1
Wolfram ResearchMathematica10.4

Programme im SoSe 2016

Betriebssystem: Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 64-Bit. Softwareprodukte, welche im Sommersemester 2016 über die IM-Softwareverwaltung bereitgestellt werden (ohne Gewähr, Stand 10.01.2017).

Hersteller/Autor Produkt Version
.-3D Slicer4.5.0-1
.-ATOM Text Editor1.5
.-Code::Blocks16.01 [benötigt MinGW]
.-CrypTool V11.4.31
.-CrypTool V22.0 Build 6222.1
.-GnuWin3220160217 (via get-gnuwin 0.6.3)
.-ImDisk Toolkit20151213
.-Logic Circuit2.15.10.21
.-MATLAB eeglab13.5.4b
.-MSYS [zu MinGW]20160216
.-OpenSCAD2015.03-2 (plus Beispieldateien)
.-Python-Erweiterungen: pip, matplotlib, beautifulsoup4, requests, pandas, sympy, scipy, numpy, scikit-learn-
.-TortoiseSVN1.9.3 mit command line tools
AdobeFlash Player (Plugin u. ActiveX)
AldebaranChoreographe Suite2.1.14.13
Andrew and Leonid ZhezherunWinDjView2.1
Apache Software FoundationANT [u.a. zu ArgoUWE]1.9.6
AptanaAptana Studio3
Artifex SoftwareGhostscript9.18
Biopac SystemsBIOPAC Student Lab Analysis4.0.3
Brockwell u. DavisITSM20007.1 Pro
CanonicalUbuntu [Linux VM]12.04
Christian SchenkMiKTeX (TeXworks)2.9.5872
Computational Algebra GroupMagma (Studentenversion)2.20-10
Design ScienceMath Type6.9c
Dimitri van Heeschdoxygen1.8.11
Don HoNotepad++6.8.8
Eclipse FoundationEclipse Android Development Tools (ADT)-
Eclipse FoundationEclipse C++-
Eclipse FoundationEclipse Java EE-
Ghostgum SoftwareGsView5.0
Ghostgum SoftwarePStoText1.9
gnuplot 5.0.3
IAR SystemsEmbedded Workbench for MSP-4306.40.1 (7.3)
IAR SystemsVisual State7.5.1
IBMILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio12.6.3
Igor Pavlov7-Zip9.20
James RogersEdSim 51 (CPU Simulator)DI 2.1.15
JetBrainsIntelliJ IDEA15.0.3
JetBrainsPyCharms5.0.4 Community-Edition
John W. EatonOctave4.0.0
Jörg MüllerFreemind1.0.1
kliu.orgContextConsole Shell Extension (CMDOpen)2.1.0
koushUniversal ADB Driver for Android [für USB]20160204
Krzysztof KowalczykSumatraPDF3.1.1
KUKA RoboticsOfficeLite8.3.18
KUKA RoboticsSIM Library2.2.3
KUKA RoboticsSIM Pro2.2.3
KUKA RoboticsWork Visual3.1.2
Lars HedererNtregopt1.1j
Martin PikrylWinSCP5.7.6
MathWorksMatlab Bioinformatics Toolbox2015b
MathWorksMatlab Communications System Toolbox2015b
MathWorksMatlab Computer Vision System Toolbox2015b
MathWorksMatlab Control System Toolbox2015b
MathWorksMatlab Curve Fitting Toolbox2015b
MathWorksMatlab Data Acqusition Toolbox2015b
MathWorksMatlab Datafeed Toolbox2015b
MathWorksMatlab DSP System Toolbox2015b
MathWorksMatlab Embedded Coder2015b
MathWorksMatlab Financial Instruments Toolbox2015b
MathWorksMatlab Financial Toolbox2015b
MathWorksMatlab Fixed-Point Designer2015b
MathWorksMatlab Fuzzy Logic Toolbox2015b
MathWorksMatlab Global Optimization Toolbox2015b
MathWorksMatlab Image Acquisition Toolbox2015b
MathWorksMatlab Image Processing Toolbox2015b
MathWorksMatlab License Manager2015b
MathWorksMatlab Mapping Toolbox2015b
MathWorksMatlab MATLAB2015b
MathWorksMatlab MATLAB Coder2015b
MathWorksMatlab MATLAB Compiler2015b
MathWorksMatlab Neural Network Toolbox2015b
MathWorksMatlab Optimization Toolbox2015b
MathWorksMatlab Parallel Computing Toolbox2015b
MathWorksMatlab Partial Differential Equatation Toolbox2015b
MathWorksMatlab Signal Processing Toolbox2015b
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK2015b
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK 3D Animation2015b
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK Coder2015b
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK Design Optimization2015b
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK Real-Time2015b
MathWorksMatlab Stateflow2015b
MathWorksMatlab Statistics Toolbox2015b
MathWorksMatlab Symbolic Math Toolbox2015b
MathWorksMatlab System Identification Toolbox2015b
MathWorksMatlab Wavelet Toolbox2015b
Microsoft.NET Framework4.6.1
MicrosoftKinect Developer Toolkit1.8
MicrosoftKinect for Windows SDK1.8
MicrosoftOfficeProfessional Plus 2016
MicrosoftProjectProfessional 2013
MicrosoftVisioProfessional 2013
MicrosoftVisual StudioEnterprise 2015 Update 1 m. Azure Pack
MicrosoftVisual StudioVersion 2010, 2012, 2013 (nur U412)
Microsoft (Sysinternals)Process Explorer16.12
Microsoft (Sysinternals)Process Monitor3.20
MozillaFirefox38.6.1 ESR
MozillaThunderbird (inkl. Lightning)38.6
Mozilla, Firefox ESR 38.5 0
National Institutes of HealthImageJ1.4.9v
NECImage Express Utility 2 und Lite2.20.273 und Lite 1.18
Neil BauersMicroprocessor Simulator for Students (SMS32)5.0
NokiaQT Eclipse Integration Plugin [zu Eclipse C++]1.6.1
NvidiaCUDA Toolkit7.5 (nur in U412, U511-514, U521, U613)
Opera SoftwareOpera35.0
OracleOracle Client12. (12c)
OracleSQL Developer4.1.3
OracleVirtualBox (inkl. Extension Pack)5.0.14 (ohne Extension pack)
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)Java 7 JDK x641.7u85 (public JRE)
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)Java 7 JDK x861.7u85 (public JRE)
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)Java 8 JDK [zu Eclipse] x641.8u74
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)Java 8 JDK [zu Eclipse] x861.8u74
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)MySQL Connector J [u.a. zu SQL Developer]5.1.36
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)MySQL Connector ODBC5.3.4
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)MySQL Workbench6.3.6
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)NetBeans (inkl. Java EE/Glassfish, C, PHP)8.1
OTH RegensburgHS.R Netzlaufwerke (Skript)-
Pascal BrachetTexmaker4.5
Peter CorkeRobotics Toolbox [für Matlab]9.10
POM ConsultProduktions-Manager-Trainer (PMT)15
Python SoftwarePython3.5.1
R FoundationR for Windows3.2.3
R StudioR Studio [zu R for Windows]0.99.879
Red HatCygwinmit DDD, GDB, GCC, SPLINT, xserver, xterm, xemacs, xmllint
Red HatWilfFly Application ServerV10 [benötigt JDK8]
Rick BrewsterPaint.NET4.0.9
Samit BasuFreemat4.2
SAPBusiness Explorer7.40 Compilation 1
SAPEngineering Client Viewer7.40 Compilation 1
SAPSAP GUI (Front End)7.40 Compilation 1
Simon TathamPuTTY0.66
Software AG (IDS Scheer)ARIS Express2.4
SophosSophos Anti-Virus10.3
Sparx SystemsEnterprise Architect12.0
Swiss Academic SoftwareCitavi5.2
Tecnomatix / SiemensPlant Simulation12
The Document FoundationLibre Office5.0.5.2
The Open GroupArchimate2.1
Uwe SiebertUSB Drive Letter Manager5.02
VideoLANVideoLAN Client (VLC)2.2.2
VMwareVMware Player [z.B. f. Linux o. KUKA OfficeLite]12.1.0
Wolfram ResearchMathematica9.0.1 & 10.4
XilinxISE Design Suite (System Edition)14.7
XilinxVivado (System Edition + SDK)2015.3

Programme im WiSe 2015/16

Betriebssystem: Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 64-Bit. Softwareprodukte, welche im Wintersemester 2015/16 über die IM-Softwareverwaltung bereitgestellt werden (ohne Gewähr, Stand 16.09.2015).

Hersteller/Autor Produkt Version
.-3D Slicer4.4
.-CrypTool V22.0 Build 6222.1
.-GnuWin3220150722 (via get-gnuwin 0.6.3)
.-ImDisk Toolkit20150620 (1.9.4)
.-Logic Circuit2.15.06.25
.-MATLAB eeglab13.4.4b
.-MinGW20150722 (via MinGW-get 0.62)
.-MSYS [zu MinGW]20150722 (via MinGW-get 0.62)
.-TortoiseSVN (inkl. Console Client)1.8.11
.-Visual Studio Project Converter2.0
AdobeAcrobatXI Pro (11.0.12)
AdobeFlash Player (Plugin u. ActiveX)
Andrew and Leonid ZhezherunWinDjView2.1
Apache Software FoundationANT [zu ArgoUWE]1.9.3
AptanaAptana Studio3
Artifex SoftwareGhostscript9.16
Biopac SystemsBIOPAC Student Lab Analysis4.0.3
Brockwell u. DavisITSM 20007.1 Pro
CanonicalUbuntu [Linux VM]12.04
Christian SchenkMiKTeX (TeXworks)2.9.4503
Computational Algebra GroupMagma (Studentenversion)2.20-10
Design ScienceMath Type6.9a
Dimitri van Heeschdoxygen1.8.10
Don HoNotepad++
Eclipse FoundationEclipse C++-
Eclipse FoundationEclipse Java EE mit CodePro Tools-
Eclipse FoundationEclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) mit ECore Tools-
Free Software Foundationemacs24.5.1
Ghostgum SoftwareGsView5.0
Ghostgum SoftwarePStoText1.9
IAR SystemsEmbedded Workbench for MSP-4306.30.2 (7.2)
IAR SystemsVisual State7.5.1
IBMILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio12.6.2
Igor Pavlov7-Zip9.20
InfraTecIRBIS view3.0.0 (Build 21)
James RogersEdSim 51 (CPU Simulator)DI 2.1.15
JetBrainsIntelliJ Idea14
John W. EatonOctave4.0.0
Jörg MüllerFreemind1.0.1
KitwareCmake3.2.2 *
koushUniversal ADB Driver for Android [für USB]20150727
Krzysztof KowalczykSumatraPDF3.0
KUKA RoboticsOfficeLite8.3
KUKA RoboticsSIM Library2.2
KUKA RoboticsSIM Pro2.2
Martin PikrylWinSCP5.7.4
MathWorksMatlab Curve Fitting Toolbox2015a (8.5)
MathWorksMatlab Data Acqusition Toolbox2015a (8.5)
MathWorksMatlab Datafeed Toolbox2015a (8.5)
MathWorksMatlab Global Optimization Toolbox2015a (8.5)
MathWorksMatlab Image Processing Toolbox2015a (8.5)
MathWorksMatlab MATLAB2015a (8.5)
MathWorksMatlab MATLAB Coder2015a (8.5)
MathWorksMatlab MATLAB Compiler2015a (8.5)
MathWorksMatlab Optimization Toolbox2015a (8.5)
MathWorksMatlab Partial Differential Equatation Toolbox2015a (8.5)
MathWorksMatlab Signal Processing Toolbox2015a (8.5)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK2015a (8.5)
MathWorksMatlab Stateflow2015a (8.5)
MathWorksMatlab Statistics Toolbox2015a (8.5)
MathWorksMatlab Symbolic Math Toolbox2015a (8.5)
MathWorksMatlab Wavelet Toolbox2015a (8.5)
Microsoft.NET Framework4.5.2
MicrosoftOfficeProfessional Plus 2013 SP1
MicrosoftVisioProfessional 2013
MicrosoftVisual StudioUltimate 2013 Update 5
MicrosoftVisual StudioUltimate 2010 SP1 *
Microsoft (Sysinternals)Process Explorer16.05
Microsoft (Sysinternals)Process Monitor3.20
mirkesTiny Hexer1.8.1.6
MozillaFirefox31.8 ESR
MozillaThunderbird (inkl. Lightning)38.1
National Institutes of HealthImageJ1.4.9v
Neil BauersMicroprocessor Simulator for Students (SMS32)5.0
NokiaQT Eclipse Integration Plugin [zu Eclipse C++]1.6.1
NvidiaCUDA Toolkit7
Opera SoftwareOpera30
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)NetBeans (inkl. Java EE/Glassfish, C, PHP)8.0.2
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)Oracle Client12. (12c)
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)SQL Developer4.1.1 [inkl. JDK8]
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)VirtualBox (inkl. Extension Pack)5.0
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)Java 7 JDK x641.7u85 (public JRE)
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)Java 7 JDK x861.7u85 (public JRE)
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)Java 8 JDK x641.8u60 (private JRE)
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)Java 8 JDK x861.8u60 (private JRE)
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)MySQL Connector C6.1.6
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)MySQL Connector C++1.1.6
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)MySQL Connector J [u.a. zu SQL Developer]5.1.36
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)MySQL Connector ODBC5.3.4
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)MySQL Workbench6.3.4
OTH RegensburgHS.R Netzlaufwerke (Skript)-
Pascal BrachetTexmaker4.4.1
Peter CorkeRobotics Toolbox [für MATLAB]9.10
Python SoftwarePython3.4.2
R FoundationR for Windows3.2.1
R StudioR Studio [zu R for Windows]0.99.467
Red HatCygwin-
RedHatWildFly Application Server8.2.0 (Java EE7 Full Web)
Rick BrewsterPaint.NET4.0.5
Samit BasuFreemat4.2
SAPBusiness Explorer7.40 (Compilation 1)
SAPEngineering Client Viewer7.40 (Compilation 1) Plantafel7.40 (Compilation 1)
SAPJnet/Jgantt7.40 (Compilation 1)
SAPKnowledge-Warehouse Add-On for SAP GUI7.40 (Compilation 1)
SAPSAP GUI 7.40 Compilation 17.40 (Compilation 1)
SAPSNC Client Encryption7.40 (Compilation 1)
Simon TathamPuTTY0.6.5beta
Software AG (IDS Scheer)ARIS Express2.4
SophosSophos Anti-Virus10.3
Sparx SystemsEnterprise Architect12
Swiss Academic SoftwareCitavi5
SybaseOpen Watcom C/C++/Fortran [zu Maple]1.3
Tecnomatix / SiemensPlant Simulation10.1
The Document FoundationLibre Office4.4.4.3
TrueCrypt FoundationTrueCrypt7.1.a
Uwe SiebertUSB Drive Letter Manager4.8.9.9
VideoLANVideoLAN Client (VLC)2.2.1
VMwareVMware Player [z.B. f. Linux o. KUKA OfficeLite]7.1.2
Wolfram ResearchMathematica9.0.1

.* nur in U412

Programme im SoSe 2015

Betriebssystem: Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 64-Bit. Softwareprodukte, welche im Sommersemester 2015 über die IM-Softwareverwaltung bereitgestellt werden (ohne Gewähr, Stand 23.02.2015).

Hersteller/Autor Produkt Version
.-3D Slicer4.4
.-CrypTool2.0 Build 6222.1
.-GnuWin3220150129 (via get-gnuwin 0.6.3)
.-ImDisk Toolkit20141217
.-Logic Circuit2.15.01.06
.-MATLAB eeglab13.4.4b
.-MinGW2013072300 (via MinGW-get 0.62)
.-MSYS1.0.18-1 (via MinGW-get 0.62)
.-Scala [zu Eclipse JEE]2.11.5
.-Stock Management Tool-
.-Visual Studio Project Converter2.0
AdobeAcrobatXI Pro 11.0.10
AdobeFlash Player (Plugin + ActiveX)
Andrew and Leonid ZhezherunWinDjView2.0.2
Ansgar BeckerHeidiSQL9.1
Apache Software FoundationANT [zu ArgoUWE]1.9.3
Artifex SoftwareGhostscript9.15
Brockwell & DavisITSM 20007.1 Pro
CanonicalUbuntu [Linux VM]-
Christian SchenkMiKTeX (TeXworks)2.9.4503
Computational Algebra GroupMagma (Studentenversion)2.20-10
Design ScienceMath Type6.9
Dimitri van Heeschdoxygen1.8.9.1
Don HoNotepad++6.6.7
Eclipse FoundationEclipse Android Development Tools (ADT)-
Eclipse FoundationEclipse C++-
Eclipse FoundationEclipse Java EE-
Eclipse FoundationEclipse Modeling Framework (EMF)-
Free Software Foundationemacs24.4
Ghostgum SoftwareGsView5.0
Ghostgum SoftwarePStoText1.9
GoogleAndroid SDK [zu Eclipse ADT]
GoogleAndroid SDK [zu Eclipse ADT]
GoogleGoogle App Engine Plugin [zu Eclipse ADT]
IAR SystemsEmbedded Workbench for MSP-4306.20.2
IAR SystemsLicense Manager (LMS2) [zu EW und VS]2.14.2
IAR SystemsVisual State7.4.1
IBMILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio12.6.1
IDS Scheer AG (Software AG)ARIS Express2.4
Igor Pavlov7-Zip9.20
James RogersEdSim 51 (CPU Simulator)2.1.14
John W. EatonOctave3.6.4
Jörg MüllerFreemind1.0.1
kliu.orgContextConsole Shell Extension (CMDOpen)2.1.0
koushUniversal ADB Driver for Android [zu Eclipse ADT /20140318
Krzysztof KowalczykSumatraPDF3.0
KUKA RoboticsSim Pro2.2
KUKA RoboticsSim Library2.2
Lars HedererNtregopt1.1j
Martin PikrylWinSCP5.5.6
MathWorksMatlab Bioinformatics Toolbox4.5 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab Communications System Toolbox5.7 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab Computer Vision System Toolbox6.1 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab Control System Toolbox9.8 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab Curve Fitting Toolbox3.5 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab Data Acqusition Toolbox3.6 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab Datafeed Toolbox5.0 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab DSP System Toolbox8.7 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab Embedded Coder6.7 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab Financial Instruments Toolbox2.0 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab Financial Toolbox5.4 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab Fixed-Point Designer4.3 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab Fuzzy Logic Toolbox2.2.20 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab Global Optimization Toolbox3.3 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab Image Acquisition Toolbox4.8 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab Image Processing Toolbox9.1 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab License Manager11.11.1.2 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab Mapping Toolbox4.0.2 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab MATLAB8.4 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab MATLAB Coder2.7 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab MATLAB Compiler5.2 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab Neural Network Toolbox8.2.1 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab Optimization Toolbox7.1 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab Parallel Computing Toolbox6.5 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab Partial Differential Equatation Toolbox1.5 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab Signal Processing Toolbox6.22 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK8.4 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK 3D Animation7.2 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK Coder8.7 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK Design Optimization2.6 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK Real-Time6.1 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab Stateflow8.4 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab Statistics Toolbox9.1 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab Symbolic Math Toolbox6.1 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab System Identification Toolbox9.1 (2014b)
MathWorksMatlab Wavelet Toolbox4.14 (2014b)
Microsoft.NET Compact Framework2.0
Microsoft.NET Framework4.5.2
MicrosoftKinect Developer Toolkit1.8
MicrosoftOffice Professional Plus2013 SP1
MicrosoftProject Professional2013
MicrosoftSharePoint Designer2013
MicrosoftVisio Professional2013
MicrosoftVisual Studio Ultimate2013 Update 2
MicrosoftWindows 7 EnterpriseSP1
Microsoft (Sysinternals)Process Explorer16.04
Microsoft (Sysinternals)Process Monitor3.1
mirkesTiny Hexer1.8.1.6
MozillaFirefox31.4 ESR
National Institutes of HealthImageJ1.4.8
NECImage Express Utility2.16.26
NECVirtual Remote Control2.07
Neil BauersMicroprocessor Simulator for Students (SMS32)5.0
NokiaQT Eclipse Integration Plugin [zu Eclipse C++]1.6.1
Opera SoftwareOpera27
OracleOracle Client12.
OracleOracle Client
OracleSQL Developer4.1
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)Java 7 JDK x647u75
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)Java 7 JDK x867u75
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)Java 8 JDK [zu Eclipse] x641.8 u5
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)Java 8 JDK [zu Eclipse] x861.8 u5
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)MySQL Workbench6.2.4
OTH RegensburgHS.R Netzlaufwerke-
Pascal BrachetTexmaker4.4.1
POM ConsultProduktions-Manager-Trainer (PMT)13
POM Consult / Wibu SystemsWibu Key (zu PMT)6.00d
Python SoftwarePython3.4.2
Python SoftwarePython2.7
R FoundationR for Windows3.1.2
R StudioR Studio [zu R for Windows]0.98.1102
Red HatCygwin-
Rick BrewsterPaint.NET3.5.11
Samit BasuFreemat4.2
SAPBusiness Explorer7.30 Compilation 3
SAPSAP Front End7.30 Compilation 3
Simon TathamPuTTY0.6.3
Sophos AGSophos Anti-Virus10.3
Sparx SystemsEnterprise Architect12
Swiss Academic SoftwareCitavi4
SybaseOpen Watcom C/C++/Fortran [zu Maple]1.3
Tecnomatix / SiemensPlant Simulation10.1
The Document FoundationLibre Office4.4
TrueCrypt FoundationTrueCrypt7.1a
Uwe SiebertUSB Drive Letter Manager4.8.9.4
VideoLANVideoLAN Client (VLC)2.1.5
VMwareVMware Player7
VMwareVMware Player [zu Ubuntu VM]-
Wolfram ResearchMathematica9.0.1
ZeroCIce [zu Visual Studio 2013]3.5.1-3

Programme im WiSe 2014/15

Betriebssystem: Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 64-Bit. Softwareprodukte, welche im Wintersemester 2014/15 über die IM-Softwareverwaltung bereitgestellt werden (ohne Gewähr, Stand 28.07.2014).

Hersteller/Autor Produkt Version
.-CrypTool2.0 (Beta 11 - RC1 - Build 6026.1)
.-GNU ARM Toolchain [zu NXT]4.0.2
.-ImDisk Toolkit20140502
.-libusb-win32 [zu GNU ARM Toolchain / NXT]-
.-Logic Circuit2.14.03.12
.-MATLAB eeglab13.2.2
.-MinGW-get [zu Eclipse C++]-
.-MPICH 21.4.1p1
.-MPICH 33.1
.-NeXTTool [zu GNU ARM Toolchain / NXT]
.-nxtOSEK [zu GNU ARM Toolchain / NXT]2.14
.-Scala [zu Eclipse JEE]2.11.1
.-Stock Management Tool-
.-TOPPERS/OSEK [zu GNU ARM Toolchain / NXT]-
.-Visual Studio Project Converter2.0
AdobeAcrobatXI Pro
AdobeFlash Player (Plugin + ActiveX)14
Andrew and Leonid ZhezherunWinDjView2.0.2
Ansgar BeckerHeidiSQL8.2.0.4675
Apache Software FoundationANT [zu ArgoUWE]1.9.3
Artifex SoftwareGhostscript9.14
Biopac SystemsBIOPAC Student Lab Analysis4.0.2
BorlandTurbo Assembler5.2b
Brockwell & DavisITSM 20007.1 Pro
CanonicalUbuntu [Linux VM]-
Christian SchenkMiKTeX (TeXworks)2.9.4503
Computational Algebra GroupMagma (Studentenversion)2.20-4
Design ScienceMath Type6.9
Dimitri van Heeschdoxygen1.8.7
Don HoNotepad++6.6.6
Eclipse FoundationEclipse Android Development Tools (ADT)-
Eclipse FoundationEclipse C++-
Eclipse FoundationEclipse Java EE-
Eclipse FoundationEclipse Modeling Framework (EMF)-
Free Software Foundationemacs24.3
Ghostgum SoftwareGsView5.0
Ghostgum SoftwarePStoText1.9
GoogleAndroid SDK [zu Eclipse ADT]-
GoogleGoogle App Engine Plugin [zu Eclipse ADT]-
Google (MIT)AppInventor2.2
IAR SystemsEmbedded Workbench for MSP-4306.103
IAR SystemsLicense Manager (LMS2) [zu EW und VS]2.13.4
IAR SystemsVisual State7.2.2
IBMILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio12.6
IBM (Rational)Rhapsody8.0.5
IDS Scheer AG (Software AG)ARIS Express2.4
Igor Pavlov7-Zip9.20
InfineonDaVE (inkl. XE16xx, XC167)2.2
James RogersEdSim 51 (CPU Simulator)DI 2.1.14
JbossJboss (WildFly Application Server)7
John HansenBricx Command Center3.3
John W. EatonOctave3.6.4
Jörg MüllerFreemind1.0.1
KeilµVision 4-
KeilµVision 5 (ARM MDK)5.11
kliu.orgContextConsole Shell Extension (CMDOpen)2.1.0
koushUniversal ADB Driver for Android [zu Eclipse ADT / AppInventor]20140318
Krzysztof KowalczykSumatraPDF2.5.2
Lars HedererNtregopt1.1j
LEGOFantom Driver [zu Mindstorms / NXT]1.2.0
LEGOMindstorms NXT [zu NXT]2.0
Martin PikrylWinSCP5.5.4
MathWorksMatlab Bioinformatics Toolbox4.4 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab Communications System Toolbox5.6 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab Computer Vision System Toolbox6.0 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab Control System Toolbox9.7 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab Curve Fitting Toolbox3.4.1 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab Data Acqusition Toolbox3.5 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab Datafeed Toolbox4.7 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab DSP System Toolbox8.6 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab Embedded Coder6.6 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab Financial Instruments Toolbox1.3 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab Financial Toolbox5.3 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab Fixed-Point Designer4.2 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab Fuzzy Logic Toolbox2.2.19 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab Global Optimization Toolbox3.2.5 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab Image Acquisition Toolbox4.7 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab Image Processing Toolbox9.0 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab License Manager11.11.1.2 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab Mapping Toolbox4.0.1 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab MATLAB8.3 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab MATLAB Coder2.6 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab MATLAB Compiler5.1 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab Neural Network Toolbox8.2 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab Optimization Toolbox7.0 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab Parallel Computing Toolbox6.4 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab Partial Differential Equatation Toolbox1.4 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab Signal Processing Toolbox6.21 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK8.3 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK 3D Animation7.1 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK Coder8.6 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK Design Optimization2.5 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab SIMULINK Real-Time6.0 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab Stateflow8.3 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab Statistics Toolbox9.0 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab Symbolic Math Toolbox6.0 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab System Identification Toolbox9.0 (2014A)
MathWorksMatlab Wavelet Toolbox4.13 (2014A)
Mentor GraphicsModelSim SE6.6f
Microsoft.NET Compact Framework2.0
Microsoft.NET Framework4.5.1
MicrosoftKinect Developer Toolkit1.8
MicrosoftKinect for Windows SDK1.8
MicrosoftOffice Professional Plus2013 SP1
MicrosoftProject Professional2013
MicrosoftSharePoint Designer2013
MicrosoftVisio Professional2013
MicrosoftVisual Studio Ultimate2013 Update 2
MicrosoftWindows 7 EnterpriseSP1, Enterprise Rollup (KB2775511 KB2728738-v3 KB2732673-v4)
Microsoft (Sysinternals)Process Explorer16.02
Microsoft (Sysinternals)Process Monitor3.10
mirkesTiny Hexer1.8.1.6
National Institutes of HealthImageJ1.4.8
NECImage Express Utility2.16.26
NECPC Control Utility1.00.840
NECVirtual Remote Control2.07
Neil BauersMicroprocessor Simulator for Students (SMS32)5.0
netfabbMarx Crypto Tech CBU Hardware Key Driver [zu netfabb]5.1
NokiaQT Eclipse Integration Plugin [zu Eclipse C++]1.6.1
Opera SoftwareOpera22.0
OracleOracle Client12c
OracleSQL Developer4.
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)Java 7 JDK7u67
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)Java 8 JDK [zu Eclipse]1.8 u5
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)MySQL Connector C++1.1.3
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)MySQL Connector J5.1.31
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)MySQL Connector ODBC5.3.2
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)MySQL Workbench6.1.6
Oracle (Sun Microsystems)NetBeans (PHP, Tomcat)7.4
OTH RegensburgHS.R Netzlaufwerke (UniversalLogon)-
Pascal BrachetTexmaker4.2
Peter Verplaetse / Jan Van CampenhoutESCAPE-
Pico TechnologyPicoLog5.22.6
Pico TechnologyPicoScope6.8.8
POM ConsultProduktions-Manager-Trainer (PMT)13
POM Consult / Wibu SystemsWibu Key (zu PMT)6.00d
Python SoftwarePython3.4.1
R FoundationR for Windows3.1.0
R StudioR Studio [zu R for Windows]0.98.507
Red HatCygwin-
Rick BrewsterPaint.NET3.5.11
Samit BasuFreemat4.2
SAPBusiness Explorer7.30 Compilation 3
SAPSAP Development Tools for Eclipse4.3 (alle Komponenten)
SAPSAP Front End7.30 Compilation 3
Simon TathamPuTTY0.6.3
Sophos AGSophos Anti-Virus10.3
Sparx SystemsEnterprise Architect11
Swiss Academic SoftwareCitavi4
SybaseOpen Watcom C/C++/Fortran [zu Maple]1.3
Tecnomatix / SiemensPlant Simulation10.1
The Document FoundationLibre Office4.2.4.2
TrueCrypt FoundationTrueCrypt7.1.a
Uwe SiebertUSB Drive Letter Manager4.8.6
Vector InformatikCANOE-
VideoLANVideoLAN Client (VLC)2.1.3
VMwareVMware Player6.0.2
VMwareVMware Player [zu Ubuntu VM]-
VspeedGAL Brenner [zu GAL G540]-
Webocton / Benedikt LoeppScriptly0.8.95.6
Wolfram ResearchMathematica9.0.1
XilinxISE Design Suite (System Edition)14.7
XilinxVivado (System Edition + SDK)2013.4
ZeroCIce [zu Visual Studio 2013]3.5.1 (VS2013)

Programme im SoSe 2014

Betriebssystem: Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 64-Bit. Softwareprodukte, welche im Sommersemester 2014 über die IM-Softwareverwaltung bereitgestellt werden (ohne Gewähr, Stand 20.02.2014).

Hersteller/Autor Produkt Version
-jogl Java Binding for the OpenGL API1.1.1
-Logic Circuit2.13.7.22
-Matlab eeglab13.1.1b
-MinGW get0.6 hg 20130823
-MPICH2¹1.4.1_p1 64
-NeXTTool (NXT-ARM)¹1.2.1.3
-libusb-win32 (NXT-ARM)¹1.2.6.0
-Bricx Command Center (NXT-ARM)¹3.8.8.9
-Toppers OSEK (NXT-ARM)¹
-Strawberry Perl5.18.2.1
-Visual Studio Project Converter²
-Sage Math5.1.3
-Stock Management Tool
AdobeAcrobat X Pro10.1.9
AdobeFlash Player Plugin + ActiveX12
Andrew Zhezherun / Leonid ZhezherunWinDjView2.0.2
Ansgar BeckerHeidiSQL8.2.0.4675
Apache Software FoundationANT [für ArgoUWE]1.9.3
AppceleratorAptana Studio²3.4.2
Artifex SoftwareGhostscript9.10
Biopac SystemsBIOPAC Student Lab Analysis4.0
Biopac SystemsBIOPAC Student Lab²4.0
BorlandTurbo Assembler5.2b
Brockwell & DavisITSM 20007.1 Pro
Christian SchenkMiKTeX (TeXworks)2.9.4503 Basic
Codec GuideK-Lite Codec Pack10.20 Mega
Computational Algebra GroupMagma³2.19
Design ScienceMath Type6.9
Dimitri van Heeschdoxygen1.8.6
Don HoNotepad++6.5.3
DT SoftDaemon Tools4481-0347
Eclipse FoundationEclipse4.3
Eclipse FoundationEclipse Modeling Framework (EMF)4.3
Free Software FoundationEmacs24.3
Ghostgum SoftwareGsView5.0
Ghostgum SoftwarePstoText1.9
GoogleAndroid Development Tools (ADT) für Eclipse22.3
GoogleAndroid SDK22.3
Haage & PartnerR Studio0.98.493
IAR SystemsEmbedded Workbench for MSP4305.6 SP3
IAR SystemsEmbedded Workbench Kickstart for MSP430¹5.2
IAR SystemsLMS2 [Lizenzmanager für EW und VS]2.13.4
IAR SystemsVisual State7.2.1
IBMILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio12.5
Igor Pavlov7-Zip9.2
InfineonDaVE2¹2.2 xc167
InfraTecIRBIS view3
Intel / Willow GarageOpenCV²2.4.8
JBossJBoss (Application Server)7
John W. EatonOctave3.6.4
Jörg MüllerFreemind²1.0
KeilµVision5 (ARM-MDK)¹5.1
kliu.orgContextConsole Shell Extension (CMDOpen)2.1.0
KoushUniversal ADB Driver für Google Android6
Krzysztof KowalczykSumatraPDF2.4
Lars HedererNTREGOPT1.1j
LEGOMindstorms NXT¹2.0
LEGOFantom Drivers¹1.2
MapleSoft / Waterloo MapleMaple16.02
Martin PřikrylWinSCP5.5
MathWorksMATLAB SimuLink2013b
MathWorksMATLAB Embedded Coder¹2013a (EC 6.4)
Mentor GraphicsModelSim SE¹6.6f
MeVis Medical SolutionsMeVisLab²2.5.1 für VS2012-x64
Microsoft.NET Compact Framework2.0 SP2
Microsoft.NET Framework4.5.1 plus 4.5 sdk
MicrosoftIIS Express8
MicrosoftKinect Developer Toolkit1.8
MicrosoftKinect for Windows SDK1.8
MicrosoftOffice Professional Plus2013
MicrosoftProject Professional2013
MicrosoftVisio Professional2013
MicrosoftVisual Studio Ultimate²2010
MicrosoftVisual Studio Ultimate2013
MicrosoftWeb Platform Installer4.6
Microsoft / SysinternalsProcess Explorer16.01
Microsoft / SysinternalsProcess Monitor3.05
mirkesTiny Hexer1.8.1.6
MIT / GoogleAppInventor2.2
NA-MIC3D Slicer²4.3.1
National Institutes of HealthImageJ1.4.7
NECImage Express Utility & Desktop Control Utility2.16.26
NECPC Control Uitility1.00.840
NECVirtual Remote Tool2.07
Neil BauersMicroprocessor Simulator5.0
netfabbMarx Crypto-Tech CBU Hardware Key Driver1.7.13
netfabbNetfabb Professional5.0
NokiaQt Eclipse Integration Plugin1.6.1
NokiaQt SDK1.2.1
NvidiaCuda Toolkit + SDK²5.5
Opera SoftwareOpera19.0.1326.56
Oracle / Sun MicrosystemsJava 7 JDK + JRE7u51
Oracle / Sun MicrosystemsMySQL Connector C++1.1.3
Oracle / Sun MicrosystemsMySQL Connector ODBC5.2.6
Oracle / Sun MicrosystemsMySQL Connecttor J5.1.28
Oracle / Sun MicrosystemsMySQL Server5.1.5 (32) bzw. 5.1.71 (64)
Oracle / Sun MicrosystemsMySQL Workbench6.0.8
Oracle / Sun MicrosystemsNetBeans IDE7.4 (nur PHP + TomCat)
Oracle / Sun MicrosystemsOracle Client11g R2
Oracle / Sun MicrosystemsOracle SQL Developer4.
Oracle / Sun MicrosystemsVirtual Box4.3.6-91406
Orwell / BloodshedSoftwareDev-C++5beta (
OTH RegensburgUniversallogon
Pascal BrachetTexmaker4.1.1
Pico TechnologyPicoLog¹5.22.6
Pico TechnologyPicoScope¹6.8.8
POM ConsultProduktions-Manager-Trainer (PMT)
POM Consult / Wibu-SystemsWibuKey (für PMT)6.00a(32) bzw. 6.00d (64)
Python Software FoundationPython3.3.3
R FoundationR for Windows3.0.2
Randal E. Bryant / David R. O'HallaronY86 Processor Simulator (y86sim)1.6.1 (Linux)
Red HatCygwin
Rick BrewsterPaint.NET3.5.11
Samit BasuFreeMat4.2
SAPBusiness Explorer7.3
SAPEngineering Client Viewer
SAPSAP Front End7.3
Simon TathamPuTTY0.6.3
SOFTWARE AG / IDS Scheer AGARIS Express2.4
SophosSophos Anti-Virus
Sparx SystemsEnterprise Architect10 Build 1009
Swiss Academic SoftwareCitavi4
SybaseOpen Watcom C/C++/FORTRAN1.3
Tecnomatix / SiemensPlant Simulation10.1
The Document FoundationLibreOffice4.2.0.4
TrueCrypt FoundationTrueCrypt7.1a
Uwe SiebertUSB Drive Letter Manager4.8.2
Vector InformatikCANOE¹7.6
VideoLANVideoLAN Client (VLC)2.1.3
VspeedGAL Brenner (\GAL\G540\DISK_1\G54Eng)
Webocton / Benedikt LoeppScriptly0.8.95.6
WMwareVMware Player5.0.2
Wolfram ResearchMathematica9.0.1
XilinxISE Design Suite¹14.7
ZeroCIce3.5.1 (VS2013)

¹ nur in U414/U415 sowie U511
² nur in U412
³ nur in U215

Programme im WiSe 2013/14

Betriebssystem: Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 64-Bit und 32-Bit. Softwareprodukte, welche im Wintersemester 2013/14 über die IM-Softwareverwaltung bereitgestellt werden (ohne Gewähr, Stand 05.12.2013).

Hersteller/Autor Produkt Version
-CrypTool 11.4.3
-CrypTool 22 beta
-GIMP2.6 (32) bzw. 2.8 (64)
-jogl Java Binding for the OpenGL API1.1.1
-Logic Circuit2.13.7.22
-Logic Circuit 2.12
-Matlab eeglab
-MinGWget 0.6 hg 20130823
-MinGW gcc-4.2.1-mingw324.2.1
-pgAdmin III bzw. 1.14.2 (64)
-Strawberry Perl5.16.2001
-TeXnicCenter1 RC1
-TeXnicCenter2.0 beta 2
-Visual Studio Project Converter
-GLUI User Interface Library2
Accellera Systems InitiativeSystem-C2.2.0
AdobeAcrobat X Pro10.1.7
AdobeAcrobat XI Pro11.0.3
AdobeCreative Suite 66 Design Standard
AdobeDreamweaver CS39
AdobeExtend Script Toolkit2
AdobeFlash Player11.9.900.117
AdobePhotoshop Elements5
Andrew Zhezherun / Leonid ZhezherunWinDjView2.0.1
Ansgar BeckerHeidiSQL8
Apache Software FoundationOpen Office4
Apache Software FoundationXalan2.7.1
AppceleratorAptana Studio 33.3.1
ARMKeil µVision4
Artifex SoftwareGhostscript8.64 (32) bzw. 9.05 (64)
Avery LeeVirtualDub1.9.9 (32) bzw. 1.9.11 (64)
Avery LeeVirtualDub 64bit1.9.11
Biopac SystemsBIOPAC Student Lab4
Biopac SystemsBIOPAC Student Lab (BSL) Analysis4
BorlandTogether 2008 R32008 R3
BorlandTurbo Assembler3.2 (32) bzw. 5.2b (64)
Brockwell & DavisITSM 20007.1 Pro
Canneverbe LimitedCDBurnerXP4.4.1
Carstens & Co.Xalan GUI1.1.2
CCCPCombined Community Codec Pack11.11.2011
Christian SchenkMiKTeX (TeXworks)2.9 (0.4.4r)
Codec GuideK-Lite Codec Pack7,2
Computational Algebra GroupMagma2.16-13
CorelCorelDRAW Graphics SuiteX4
CyberlinkPowerDVD DX8.3.1 (32) bzw. 8.2.5 (64)
Digi InternationalX-CTU5.2.7.5
Digia OyjQt SDK 44.6.3 (32) bzw. 4.7.4 (64)
Dimitri van Heeschdoxygen (32) bzw. 1.8.1 (64)
Don HoNotepad++6.5.1
Eclipse FoundationEclipse, 4 VariantenIndigo
Fabien CazenaveKompoZer0.7.1(32) bzw. 0.8b3 (64)
FastStoneImage Viewer4,8
Free Software FoundationEmacs24.3.1
Friedrich FolkmannPapDesigner2.2.0.5
GhostgumGsView (ghostgum)4.9 (32) 5.0 (64)
Ghostgum SoftwarePstoText 1.91,9
GoogleAndroid SDK20.0.3
IAR SystemsDriverX for MSP-FET430IF1
IAR SystemsIAR Embedded Workbench for MSP4305.4 (32) 6.0 (64)
IAR SystemsIAR Embedded Workbench Kickstart for MSP4305,2
IBMILOG CPLEX10.2 (32) bzw. 12.4 (64)
IBMILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio12,4
IBMILOG OPL5.2 (32) bzw. 6.3 (64)
IBMRational DOORS 9.39,3
IBMRational Rose Enterprise 7.02003.6.15 (32) bzw. 7.0 (64)
Igor Pavlov7-Zip9,2
InfraTecIRBIS view3
James RogersEdSim511.19.31
James RogersEdSim511.19.31
JAPISoftEditiX-Free-XML Editor20102010
John HansenBricx Command Center
John HansenBricx Command Center
John W. EatonOctave3.2.4(32) bzw. 3.6.1 (64)
KDMWMPlot Funktionsplotter1,2
KL SoftwareQuicktime Alternative3.2.2
KL SoftwareReal Alternative2.0.2
LEGOMindstorms NXT 2.0
Léon BottouDjVuLibre DJView4.8 (64) bzw. 4.7 (32)
LIGHTNING UK!ImgBurn (32) bzw. 2.5.6 (64)
Luca Antiga, David SteinmanVMTK (Pypepad)1
MapleSoft / Waterloo MapleMaple16
Marek JasinskiFreeCommander2009.02b
Martin PřikrylWinSCP5.1.7
Marx Crypto-TechCBU Hardware Key Driver1.7.13
MathWorksMATLAB R2012b8.0.0.783
MathWorksMATLAB R2013a
Mentor GraphicsModelSim SE 6.6f
MeVis Medical SolutionsMeVisLab2.3.1 (VC10-64)
Michael KöllingBlueJ3.0.1
Microsoft.NET Compact Framework2
Microsoft.NET Framework 4.54,5
Microsoft.NET Framework Beta4.5.1 Pre
MicrosoftApplication Verifier
MicrosoftDHTML Editing Component6.0.2
MicrosoftEntity Framework Designer11,1
MicrosoftErforderliche Komponenten für SSDT (SQL Server Development Tools)11.0.2
MicrosoftIIS 8 Express8
MicrosoftIIS Express Application Compatibility Database8
MicrosoftIntelliTrace Collection10
MicrosoftKinect for Windows SDK1,7
MicrosoftKinect for Windows SDK1,6
MicrosoftLive Sync bzw. Live Mesh
MicrosoftNT Messaging
MicrosoftOffice2010 Professional Plus
MicrosoftPowerCalc (PowerToy)
MicrosoftProject2010 Professional
MicrosoftServer Speech Platform Runtime11
MicrosoftSilverlight 3 SDK - Deutsch3
MicrosoftSilverlight 4 SDK - Deutsch4
MicrosoftSilverlight 5 SDK - Deutsch5
MicrosoftSQL Server 2012 Feature Pack (System-CLR-Typen)1
MicrosoftSync Framework1.0 SP1
MicrosoftTeam Foundation Server 2010 SP1 Object Model Installer10
MicrosoftVisio2010 Premium
MicrosoftVisual Studio2010 Ultimate
MicrosoftVisual Studio2012
MicrosoftVisual Studio Tools for SQL Server Compact4.0.8
MicrosoftWCF RIA ServicesV1.0 SP1
MicrosoftWeb Platform Installer4
MicrosoftWindows Live Essentials2011
MicrosoftXML4 SP2
MindFusionXML Viewer3
mirkesTiny Hexer1.8.1.6
MITApp Inventor1,2
MITAppInventor (Google)
NA-MIC3D Slicer4.2.2-1
National Institutes of HealthImageJ1.4.2q (32) bzw. 1.46r
Neil BauersMicroprocessor Simulator 5.0 (SMS)5
netfabbNetfabb Professional5
NokiaQt SDK1.2.1
Oracle / Sun MicrosystemsJava 7 JRE7u45
Oracle / Sun MicrosystemsJava 7 SDK7u25
Oracle / Sun MicrosystemsMySQL Connector C++1.1.3
Oracle / Sun MicrosystemsMySQL Connector ODBC5.2.5
Oracle / Sun MicrosystemsMySQL Connecttor J (Java)5.1.26
Oracle / Sun MicrosystemsMySQL Server5.1.5 (32) bzw. 5.1.71 (64)
Oracle / Sun MicrosystemsMySQL Tools5
Oracle / Sun MicrosystemsMySQL Workbench6
Oracle / Sun MicrosystemsNetBeans IDE7,1
Oracle / Sun MicrosystemsOracle 11g Client11g
Oracle / Sun MicrosystemsOracle SQL Developer3.0.04 (32) bzw. 3.1.07 (64)
Orwell / BloodshedSoftwareDev-C++
Pascal BrachetTexmaker2
Patrick KollaSpybot Search & Destroy
Pico TechnologyPicoScope6.6.16
POM Prof. TempelmeierPMT13 (Produktions-Manager-Trainer)
Preemptive SolutionsDotfuscator Community Edition5
Python Software FoundationPython2.7.3
R FoundationR for Windows (R-Project)2.11.1 (32) bzw. 2.15.1 (64)
Red HatCygwin
Rick BrewsterPaint.NET3.5.11
RoxioCD Creator
SafeNetSentinel Drivers7.5.0
Samit BasuFreeMat4.0 (32) bzw. 4.1.1 (64)
Sandia National Labs, Los Alamos National Laboratory / Kitware IncParaView3.98.0
SAPBusiness Explorer7,3
SAPEngineering Client Viewer
SAPSAP Front End7,3
Scilab Enterprisesscilab5.2.2 (32) bzw. 5.3.3 (64)
Simon TathamPuTTY0,63
SOFTWARE AG / IDS Scheer AGARIS Express2,2
SOFTWARE AG / IDS Scheer AGARIS Platform 7.17,1
SophosSophos Anti-Virus 10.x10
Sparx SystemsEnterprise Architect10
Swiss Academic SoftwareCitavi3
SybaseOpen Watcom C/C++/FORTRAN1,3
Tecnomatix / SiemensPlant Simulation10,1
Texas InstrumentseZ430-Chronos
Thomas Williams / Colin Kelleygnuplot4,6
UC RegentsPtolemy II7.0.1(32) bzw. 8.0.1(64)
Uwe SiebertUSB Drive Letter Manager4.6.8.3 (32) bzw. 4.7 (64)
Vector InformatikCANOE
Victor PavlovCooktop2,5
VIMVIM7.3 (32) bzw. 7.2. (64)
Webocton / Benedikt LoeppScriptly0.8.95.6
Wibu-SystemsWibuKey6.00a(32) bzw. 6.00d (64)
WMwareVMware Player5.0.2
WMwareVMware Player
Wolfram ResearchMathematica9.0.1
x2studiosLiquidIcon XP Editor1.0.4
XilinxISE Design Suite 14.4
ZeroCIce (VS2010 Plugin)3.4.2 (64) bzw. 3.4.1 (32)